2023-2024 MENU


AM Snack: Popcorn, cheese, and fruit
Lunch: Brown rice, black beans, and carrots (with nutritional yeast and Braggs aminos)
PM Snack: Rice cakes with PB and jam


AM Snack: Peanut Butter and Honey Toast w/ apples
Lunch: Oats, nuts, and currants (cinnamon, butter or olive and maple syrup)
PM Snack: Yogurt and granola


AM Snack: Overnight oats with blueberries, chia seeds, cinnamon, and almonds (on the side)
Lunch: Golden Porridge with veggies (millet, veggie bouillon cube, Braggs aminos, nutritional yeast, peas, carrots, and corn) PM
Snack: Crackers and String Cheese *After nap: Children will help make dough for bread*


AM Snack: Crackers (gluten free), cream cheese, and celery
Lunch: Whole wheat bread with butter, hard boiled eggs and carrots
PM Snack: Smoothies (fruit, greens, yogurt, and almond milk)


AM Snack: Trail-mix and apples or seasonal fruit
Lunch: Stone soup and bread or crackers (veggies, bean and lentil mix, and barley)
PM Snack: Veggies,pretzels, and hummus

Children are able to have seconds of all or parts of every snack or lunch.
Homemade muffins and fruit are served as snacks for Birthday celebrations.
|Vegetables vary on Fridays.